Cheadle Hulme School
In the North-West, a prestigious private school embarked on a project to transform an open-air underpass into part of their daily dining experience for pupils and staff.
The extensive works encompassed the formation of a new structural slab, alterations to the existing drainage and other services.
Removal of existing sanitary fittings, ceilings, a number of structural walls, doors, cubicles, lighting, service, tiling, mirrors, fixtures, fittings, and flooring.
A new partition with double doors and glazed vision panels was constructed at the base of the stairs.
The underpass and a sixth form common room were thoughtfully reconfigured to house a new canteen and dining area.
Additionally, the project involved reconfiguring and refurbishing the pentagon yard, transforming it into a delightful outdoor sitting area, enhancing the school's environment for its students.